Saturday, June 9, 2018

General Archeantus,

My findings require immediate attention. As per your orders, I have diligently stalked the disowned prince.

I believe our earlier estimations were incorrect. Though his apparent faulty memory, meaningless conversations to himself, and the erratic pattern at which he travels the kingdom seem to solidify a diagnosis for incurable insanity, I have observed these antics drop in private.

The prince has visited the holding rooms for the Christian scum as well as the prison cell in the basement. I don’t know what he’s done, but I would strongly recommend a full investigation of the premises.

If my theory is correct, the prince has hidden secret messages designed to undermine our regime of order and turn the Christians against our glorious emperor.

At all costs, the three separate houses must not be allowed to communicate with each other. The damage has not yet occurred, nor will it so long as we keep them occupied.



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